RM tummy tuck autumn

How to get the belly you desire

By: | Tags: , | Comments: 0 | October 23rd, 2019

We are aware that this body area can sometimes be a source of slight frustration. Do you keep exercising, do you stick to a strict diet and the desired “sixpack” is nowhere to be seen? Maybe you can use some of our tips how to get and maintain a belly you are happy with.

Beware of “miraculously working” dietary supplements and pills
In fact, the achieved weight loss is minimal, especially when you really need to lose more, or you want to maintain the weight. What works then?

Exercise regularly and sensibly
Yes, the body fat “burns” since certain heart rate and load. The main aim is to firm the belly. Therefore you should focus on exercising the deep body muscles.

Stop counting calories
It is absolutely true that when you want to lose weight, your calorie intake should not exceed the outtake. However, do not get obsessed with counting the calories, just think more what food and what quantities you eat.

Still nothing happening?
Sometimes the changes (post pregnancy, after a significant weight loss etc.) cannot be reversed just by exercising and healthy lifestyle. If you aim for a perfect look there is also another option – plastic surgery. The results can be rather impressive and the recovery is fast due to the modern methods.
Liposuction is one of them – removing fat pockets from places where you haven’t succeeded with the training.
Sometimes there is a need to stitch the loosen belly muscles back together, or perform a complete abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to restore the look of the abdominal area. And, of course these two methods can be successfully combined together.

Feel free to ask Royal Medical for a free consultation with an experienced doctor – plastic surgeon.
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